Your beliefs about God affect your life.
But knowing what you believe can be complicated.At Willows by the Brook, we explore the simple and complex things of God so that you can know what you believe and Who you believe in.
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Our Beliefs
The Bible
The Bible is God’s inspired Word. It is infallible and inerrant and has been preserved in the Hebrew Masoretic text and the Greek Textus Receptus.
Ps. 12:6–7; Isa. 40:8; Matt. 5:18; II Tim. 3:16
God is the one true God. He exists in three unique but united Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God presents Himself as a Father to His people.
Deut. 6:4; I Cor. 1:3; I John 5:7
Jesus is God incarnate. As the only begotten Son of God, He was miraculously born, lived a sinless life, and died to pay the price for our sin. All who believe on Him as Savior will be saved.
Luke 1:35; John 1:1; 3:16; 14:6; Heb. 2:14–17
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God. He convicts the world of sin. When people are saved, He regenerates them, baptizes them into the body of Christ, indwells them, seals them, and gives them spiritual gifts. As He sanctifies believers, He equips them for ministry and teaches them.
Matt. 3:16, John 3:5–6; 14:26; 16:8; Acts 2:2–4; Rom. 8:9; Eph. 1:13–14; 4:11–12; I Peter 1:2; I John 5:7
Humans were created innocent, but they sinned against God, causing them to be lost and unable to save themselves. Humanity can return to God through salvation. Men and women are equal in value and unique in role.
Gen. 1:26–27, 31; 3:6; Rom. 3:23; I Cor. 11:3; Gal. 3:28
Sin is anything that violates God’s law or misses His standard. The punishment for sin is separation from God and eternal torment. Every person is sinful and in need of a Savior.
Rom. 3:20, 23, 28; Rev. 20:12–15
God freely offers salvation to all people. Those who believe on Jesus as Savior are saved, having their sinful record permanently replaced with Jesus’ perfect one.
John 3:16–17; Rom. 5:18; 6:23; 10:9; II Cor. 5:21
The Church
All believers are part of the universal church and should gather together in local churches. The church is to baptize believers and regularly partake of the Lord’s Supper. Pastors and deacons are to be men, but women should be involved in the church body.
Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:14; 2:41; Rom. 16:1–2; I Cor. 11:23–26; Col. 1:13; I Tim. 3:2, 12; Heb. 10:25
The Future
The church currently awaits the rapture which will be followed by a seven-year tribulation. Jesus will then return to the earth and rule for one-thousand years. His millennial reign will be followed by the final judgment and the establishment of the new heaven and earth. God will then dwell with His people forever.
Dan. 7:13–14, 24–26; I Thess. 4:13–17; Rev. 19:11–16; 20:6, 12; 21:1, 3
Angels are beings created by God. Some serve God and assist His people. Others known as demons rebelled against God and now seek to destroy God and His people. God will judge demons for their rebellion.
Ps. 148:2, 5; Isa. 6:3; 14:12–15; Acts 12:7–11; Jude 6; Rev. 20:10
Israel is God’s chosen nation. Though God is currently working through the church, the church has not replaced Israel. God will literally fulfill all His promises to Israel.
Gen. 12:2–3; 15:18, Deut. 30:1–9; II Sam. 7:8–16; Jer. 31:31–37, Rom. 11:1, 26
About Us
Named after Job 40:22 and Psalm 1:3, Willows by the Brook shows others the wonder, delight, and peace of knowing God. Our small team combines decades of education to teach people about God through His Word. We believe that good theology helps people live healthy, holy lives.